stico is a trade name for SecuTrans Inc. , SecuTrans Inc. (USA) and Tang Plus Corporation.
A+ BBB Rating
Preferred Payment Processor
Since 2006
Smart Terminals
Since 2019.08.01 stico introduced the smart terminals supporting real time report, management and monitor, Clover Mini, Clover Mini-to-Mini, Clover Flex, as well as the compact full function POS system – Clover Station Duo.
Expanded, Re-branded
2019. SecuTrans Inc., SecuTrans Inc. (USA) and Tang Plus Corp. expand into commercial high speed internet industry and become an ISP. stico begins to offer smart business management.
2018.2.27 j-POS, a “smart payment application” based on Ingenico®; Telium terminals, developed by Tang + was certified by Interac®; via CT-Payment® (now Payfacto®).
2013.1.15 SecuTrans Inc. registered as Merchant Service Provider of Visa and Mastercard via First Data (now Fiserv )
Tang Plus Corporation
Tang Plus Corporation (Tang+), a software technology company is registered. Tang + is also the sister company of SecuTrans Inc.
Pilot Partner With Hypercom ( now Verifone )
2011 SecuTrans Inc became a pilot merchant service provider in Canada to introduce Hypercom (now Verifone ) Optimum terminals.
Go Wireless
SecuTrans Inc. partners with Rogers and Bell as their M2M distributor in 2012 and 2016 respectively.
Merchant Service Provider of Elavon
2009.06.29 SecuTrans Inc. registered as Merchant Service Provider of Visa and Master Card via Elavon, a wholly-owned subsidiary of US Bank Corp .
SecuTrans incorporated as SecuTrans Inc. on October 1st, 2008.
ISO - Tangerine
2007. SecuTrans Registered as an ISO of Tangerine Payment Solution (acquired by Pivotal Payment and now part of Nuvei Payment Technology Network )
ISO - Collective POS
2007. SecuTrans Registered as an ISO of Collective POS ( now Elavon Canada )
2006.10.1 SecuTrans was born in Toronto, Ontario Canada